Wednesday, January 18, 2006
What is ARF/5-A-Day Tuesday?
Simple. Just my little way of keeping healthier eating in check. Every Tuesday, food bloggers who made a recipe that includes an ARF (Antioxidant Rich Food), fruit, veggie or any combination of the three can be included in my
ARF/5-A-Day Tuesday evening round-up. The recipe doesn't have to have been made that day. Just e-mail me your permalink by 8 pm EST on Tuesday to be included, and post a link to my site in your post on your site, so your readers can get a chance to check out the round-up as well. All designed to keep us eating healthy and inspire us with new recipes and ideas. Hope you join in! If you got here from a link from a fellow food blogger, please go to my
main web site to check out the round-up. Thanks for visiting.
link | posted by Cate at 7:35 PM
For as long as I can remember, I have loved writing and yearned to be a freelance journalist when I grew up.
When I moved out on my own for the first time, I discovered a second passion ... cooking.
Now, many years later, I still have a love for both and started my site, Sweetnicks, in an effort to combine them.
I have a slight, ahem, obsession with cookbooks, food/cooking magazines, and, well, anything related to food.
Joining the food blogging community ... it's great to be among others who get the obsession.
My site's name comes from our 3-1/2 year-old son, Nicholas, who loves to help me in the kitchen almost
as much as he loves Dora, Spiderman and his girlfriend.
Treats to Work Mondays
ARF/5-A-Day Tuesdays
The Husband Cooks Wednesdays
New (to me) Blogger on the Block Thursdays
Rediscovering My Library Thursdays
Friday Night Date Night
Sound Bite Saturdays
Weekend Dog Blogging (WDB) Round-Up (Sunday)
The Neighbors Dine Over Sundays

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